

谢邀,不过我还没坐过飞机呢…… 之前带猫出国也是做飞机 但是都是托运的 所以具体流程就不太清楚了

但是可以帮你查一下相关航空公司的规定哦~ 有空我打几个电话问问吧……


比如东方航空 MU: Domestic Pets (CAT III) 南航 CZ : Domestic Cats and Dogs (Cabin carriage is subject to availability in Economy Class. For Business Class, please contact the Reservations Department for further information) 港龙 BA : CAT III 国泰 CX: Domestic cats & dogs 川航 3U : Domestic pets (subject to space permitting)*国航 CA / 山西航空 FR : Domestic animals (cats, dogs, and birds; not permitted on international flights) 海南航空 HU: Domestic Animals(Domestic animal transportation shall be carried as cargo or as checked baggage. All domestic animals must remain in their containers at all times during transportation, except when going to and from the aircraft for loading/unloading purposes, or if necessary for the safety of the animal or a passenger's comfort. The transport of unaccompanied domestic animals is restricted by some countries. Passengers should confirm with the airline whether transporting an animal will be allowed in advance; *大新华快运 DX: Domestic pets and birds 新航 SQ : Domestic dog and cat transport 山东航空 SC : Domestic pet transport 中联航 UA: Domestic Animal Transport (CAT II) 祥鹏航空 8L : Domestic Dog or Cat Transit Service 春秋航空 9C : Domestic pets are accepted only upon payment of extra charge specified in flight booking

另外南航和东航都可以办理“爱心通道”,提供特别服务给残疾人士和行动不便者搭乘航班 东航MU : Disabled Assistance 西航GX : Special assistance service(SAS), 100% complimentary 国航 CA : Special Assistance 四川航空 3U: Disability Services, including special assistance requests 和特殊旅客接送机服务 厦航 MF : Mobility Assistance Program, for customers unable to board or disembark an airplane using stairs 海航 HU: Extra Assistance, for passengers who require additional help while traveling.



不能,但是有的航空公司允许托运动物(宠物)的,比如国泰航空、新加坡航空等都有这样的服务。 这些公司会安排专人把行李舱门关好,然后把你的小狗放进去,这样就不会影响到其他乘客了。当然你也能在登机口让安检人员帮你看住“爱犬”。 但是如果航班上有其他宠物,或者是有小孩,那么就不能托运小动物了,否则很容易影响别人。 在飞机上,你要是想跟小动物亲近一下也是可以的,但是在飞机上还是要注意别打扰到其他人!
